IN THE NEWS – Mecklenburg jail nurse tests positive for COVID-19; exposure minimal, sheriff says

Story By Michael Gordon | April 2, 2020 04:46 PM

A Charlotte attorney who has called on the sheriff, police and the courts to reduce the jail population until the pandemic recedes, said the nurse’s case proves further steps are needed to protect inmates.

“If the sheriff’s department truly cares for the well being of people in their custody, they will begin extensive testing and screening procedures,” Tim Emry said.

Full Article at The Charlotte ...

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IN THE NEWS – Keeping COVID-19 from breaking into Mecklenburg’s jail

Story By Jen McGivney | March 26, 2020

Sheriff Garry McFadden in the family visitation room in the Mecklenburg County Jail. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, inmates now visit with loved ones virtually instead of in person. (Logan Cyrus/Charlotte Agenda archive)

Tim Emry passed through the detention center’s screening last week to speak — through a plexiglass divider — with two of his clients. ...

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COVID-19 and Court

What a busy week and half it has been.
Many of my friends have reached out and asked “How are you passing time with no court?”
As much as I would love to answer about how I have been catching up on TV and movies and doing all sorts of wonderful cooking, I have been working with other wonderful attorneys and activists to try to advocate for some of the most vulnerable people in our community: the folks that are ...

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