To CMPD- Will you please stop arresting people of Charlotte and Mecklenburg county and taking them to a dangerous situation for misdemeanors, low level felonies, missed court dates, traffic matters, and warrants?
As District Attorney, Mr. Emry will implement various policies and reforms to make our justice system fairer and more equitable while maximizing the city’s public safety.
“We need to transform our justice system to one that is rooted in equity and fairness,” ...
The Delta variant now makes up more than 93% of all new COVID-19 cases as it continues to spread across the country. Here’s how to slow the spread. BY DAVID CARACCIO | CLEVELAND CLINIC
Charlotte attorney Tim Emry, who’s been active in the effort to lower the jail population to slow the spread of disease among inmates, said McFadden should require his employees to be vaccinated. He ...
Story By Michael Gordon | December 10, 2020 6:45 PM
Charlotte attorney Tim Emry, a leader in the call to dramatically reduce the jail population in light of the resurgent pandemic, said Thursday that the COVID lockdown “essentially makes the right to and access of counsel non-existent.”
Emry said he had two bond hearings scheduled for Friday that have now been canceled. He described one of his clients “as an 18-year-old girl with no prior convictions who wants to be ...
Story By Michael Gordon | December 3, 2020 12:45 PM
“The dramatic spike in COVID-19 cases in Mecklenburg County Jail screams out that a crisis is here,” said Charlotte attorney Tim Emry, one of the leaders of the #DecarcerateMecklenburg effort.
“I remind the people of Charlotte that the overwhelming majority of people in the jail have not been convicted of a crime. They are simply too poor to buy their freedom. They are our neighbors, relatives, and friends. We should ...
Story By Ames Alexander, Virginia Bridges, And Jordan Wilkie | October 27, 2020 1:49 PM
“If they did mass testing, they’d find a lot more people with COVID-19,” said Charlotte lawyer Tim Emry, who works with a group of advocates trying to make conditions safer inside Mecklenburg County’s jails. “… They’re more concerned about avoiding bad publicity than the health and safety of the residents.”
Francene Marie offers 1-hour weekly conversations relevant to you and your family. | May 29, 2020 4:58 PM
Francene Marie interviews Timothy S. Emry the founder of The Emry Law Firm, PLLC. Emry has been licensed to practice law in North Carolina since 2003 and his years of practice has concentrated exclusively in Criminal Defense cases at the State level. We unpack 400 years of oppression during my time with him, and he does ...
Tim Emry at Charlotte Freedom Friday Protest. PHOTO BY DAVID T. FOSTER III
Decarcerate Mecklenburg conducts a demonstration outside Mecklenburg County Detention Center-Central as part of their Freedom Friday protests. The group wants CMPD to issue citations for some crimes instead of ...
Coronavirus cases continue to climb in North Carolina. Many businesses have closed to promote social distancing in the community. BY STEPHANIE BUNAO | JOHN D. SIMMONS
Charlotte attorney Tim Emry also told the Observer in an email that if the jailers won’t wear the ...
Decarcerate Mecklenburg held a “moving protest” from cars on Friday, April 10, to demand the release of incarcerated people in Mecklenburg County. They also called for police to stop arrests during the pandemic. Image by Alex Andrejev